Monday, November 12, 2007


Hey everyone,

So I'm new to posting, although I've tried to keep up with what you all have written since Rachel invited me contribute. Here's an opinion article I just read called "The Pain of Globalisation."

It talks about the negative impact of trade on American worker's wages and why that's happening. Globalization is inevitable, and potentially also beneficial, but there are certain considerations that have to be made. Like demanding that the people who contribute the labor used to produce the goods we ultimately buy here are ensured basic rights. I also think government supported (at least partially) training for people who find their jobs shipped oversees so they can become employed again is a good idea.

Any thoughts?


Unknown said...

The training sounds like a good idea, but what's the benefit to the economy as a whole? Or to the country?

I am only playing devil's advocate b/c I know many would say that is just another government hand-out that costs everyone $$ but only benefits a few people. Personally, I think it sounds great. Haha, something that costs tax payers money and benefits only a few people=Iraq! Or any war or concession to large corporations. Funny.

Republicans benefit the supper rich and Dems benefit the super poor/uneducated. What about me? I hear my brother yelling "socialist" in my head....

Jeans said...

When people have the skills to work in higher paying jobs they contribute more to the tax base. Also, if people are working then they won't qualify for other types of public assistance, so it'll save money over the long run, even though there is an upfront cost.