Friday, September 4, 2009

Dear Eric Staib

Dear Eric,

I read your article on Mises and I just wanted to thank you for writing it.

Here is my favorite part:
"As discussed earlier, from the very fact of their abstention from the purchase of healthcare services, we know a posteriori that millions of individuals in this country do not desire health insurance more than other goods or services."

See? Amazing! I laugh with glee every time I read it. It's like you are reading the mind of the American do you do it? I mean, I'm sure people DO prefer paying rent and buying groceries to buying health insurance. So, obviously, they don't want health care or health insurance as much as those things! Your insight has really floored me.

I see that you are studying economics. That's so cute! But it must hurt your head. You look very cute in your picture, so I recommend you look into modeling or acting instead. You will meet many people who will think you are just as smart as you think you are-- maybe even smarter!

Anyway, thank you again. You--and others like you--provide a consistency that I have come to depend on from the 'libertarian school of thought'. It's like having a cantankerous old grand-dad you can always count on to use the 'n-word' and I love it! Keep 'em coming!

--Your Biggest Fan