Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Come Now, Children

Dear "Tybz",

I do not appreciate you associating me with such a bumbling fool of a mortal as George W. Bush. Perhaps Dick Cheney, on occasion, has helped me with some minor tasks, but I once approached Bush about a partnership and he replied "A partnership? So what you mean to say is, workin together?" and then blinked rapidly.

I tried to explain the great things we could achieve together and he interrupted me quite rudely to ask if I was aware that his father had been president and did I have any blow, at which point I gave up. His eyes seemed to glaze over when I spoke for too long. As I turned to leave, he did mutter one thing I was hoping you could explain. I am fairly sure he said, "Fool me once, shame on...you...fool me..can't get fooled again!" Then he laughed maniacally and continued defecating on the Constitution. I just couldn't work with him.

However, if you have John Yoo's or Ted Haggard's contact information, please tell them I would love to chat.


the Adversary

(aka The Devil, Abbadon, Angra Mainyu, Satan, Asmodai, Beezlebub, Lucifer, Belial, and Iblis)

P.S. If you don't mind, please tell Anne Coulter to get it under control if you see her. Obviously I'll be seeing her soon, but it seems she is losing her effectiveness.

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